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National Trust.
Brand relevance campaign.
These are the places that make us.

Launched via OOH, press, social and display in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.Live in May 2019.

Launch challenge.

Most people have a general understanding of what the National Trust do, but few can articulate why they do what they do. This has in turn affected brand relevance scores.

Our challenge – to increase brand relevance by showcasing the life-enhancing benefits places bring to people’s lives through focussing on individual stories which capture joy.


Launch solution.

‘These are the places that make us’.

A campaign that focuses more on the universal benefits of places that will ultimately invite people to feel the same too, thus reinforcing their perception that the National Trust is as relevant in today’s society.

After touring the width and the breadth of the country capturing stories from some of the National Trust’s most idyllic spots, we created a suite of press, social and display assets which emotionally connect people to the benefits of place. Joy is the main focus throughout.


Launch results.

  • Watch this space! Coming soon!